Your Paws Help Our Paws Help Their Paws
Every donation, no matter how small or large, will help to save the life of a neglected, abused or abandoned companion animal and pay for their up keep while they are in our care!
Give a Life Saving Gift to the animals in our care!
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Our Wish List
As a non-profit facility, we rely heavily on donations, grants, bequests, membership dues, gifts-in-kind and fundraising events. Like every non-profit, we always have a "wish list" and welcome any and all gifts.
We need:
- Re -Furnish our cat areas regularly
- finish our outside cat enclosure
- Complete dog accommodation at 162b
- enrichment play area yards for the dogs
- Warm swimming pool for dogs with arthritis or hip dysplasia
- Convert a room or build a veterinary consultation room, one near the dogs and one near the cats
- News Papers
- Cat and dog toys
- Cleaning materials and supplies
- Scratching posts
- Sensory garden for the dogs
- Composting toilet system for the volunteers
- Volunteer rest area
- Large front loading washing machines
- An Electric Stove
- Manpower to help around the haven to care for the pets, maintain the facilities, to promote our animals for re-homing and assist with fundraising.