Monday, 25th September, 2023
Bush Fire Season is HERE!!
Please Help Happy Paws Haven to be Prepared!!
Help Our Paws Help Their Paws 
We are reaching out to ask for your urgent assistance in the face of the ongoing bush fires in Clarence Valley. The Rural Fire Service Commissioner of NSW has declared a Section 44 for the Clarence Valley which means we are in a State of Emergency due to the number of fires in the area and the severity of the fire conditions currently.
As a result, Happy Paws Haven is in resilience planning mode. We need to be able to move every animal at short notice to a safe location as determined by the RFS (Rural Fire Service), DPI (Department of Primary Industry), Land Services and Clarence Valley Council. We have done it in the past during the 2018 bushfires. We successfully got everyone out in about 5-6 hours and established temporarily elsewhere. In 2019 we nearly had to go again, it was called off half an hour before we had to leave - the wind changed.
It is a mammoth effort to move 100 cats and 50 dogs but we did it. We are currently making sure that should we need to, we can successfully do it again for the sake of the animals in our care.
Happy Paws Haven has done an audit in regards to the number of cages and crates etc we need to remove and rehouse all the animals in our care to elsewhere.
We are short!