About Helki
Helki and her three sisters arrived in really poor condition their young owner had been feeding them cereal and milk no meat or protein. we wormed them flead them and started them on a good nutritious puppy diet and that soon changed When they arrived they were very scared as they had only been in contact with family so their socialisation was very limited but that soon changed too they are still a little hesitant when first meeting someone or something new but they soon warm up to you and want to be your new best friend. they will need to continue to experience new things and to go to training to continue to develop their social skills particularly due to their breed mix of maremma cross probably cattle but that is only a guess. Mum was a pure Maremma but we dont know who dad was. the pups have delightful soft natures playful as pups are not very adventurous at this stage but they are curious and happy to explore trying new things and experiences. They are just beautiful with loving natures wanting to please.